Points of Understanding


  1. PLAYING TIME AND POSITIONS - Not every child is created equally ... different abilities, both physically and mentally. As coaches we try our utmost to be very objective and place kids into positions that will not affect them negatively ... both physically and mentally. Every one's "READY" time is different ... please respect the experience of coaches and allow them to make that call. The worst thing that we can do is to "play through our children". Coaches need your support to make this work. 
  2. IMPORTANCE OF PRACTICES - FOOTBALL is a GAME that best exemplifies "practice makes perfect". One cannot stress the importance of practice enough. It is one of the only sports in the world where if you don't know where you are supposed to be or what you should be doing or where your team-mates are supposed to be and what they should be doing at any given time in any given play ... then you are lost and so are your team-mates and team. Football is a physical game of CHESS. Physical fitness and mental toughness are acquired through practice. 
  3. SCHOOL vs. FOOTBALL (Sport is a Privilege) - Please feel free to use the coach to help your child achieve academic excellence. “John, I hear that you have had some problems with homework ... you know I can't let you come to practice until your homework is done ... and no practice means no play time. So John what can we do to help you ... your team-mates need you and you are no good to your team if you are not there. School is first and you need to apply yourself, do the job, before you can come out to play. 
  4. OTHER SPORTS ( Finish what you Start ) - As coaches we are quite cognizant that kids play other sports, we therefore have only one rule ... FINISH WHAT YOU START ... Simply put, a playoff soccer game is by far more important than our practice but a hockey practice is not as important as our Game. So please use your best judgment and communicate with the coaches. 
  5. PARENTAL CONDUCT - Please be exemplary to your children ... we teach all the players that one leads through example ... if you have any issues, thoughts or just want to talk, please choose your arena wisely ... there is always a time and place ... not in front of your children at game time or during practice ... call or see the Board of GPPWFL at any other time, he/she will make themselves available to you. 


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